


Physiotherapists’ job satisfaction and mental health (SekMo)

Project number: 2021-2027.1.01.24-0611

Funder: SekMo – Cross-Sectoral Mobility Measure

Duration of the project: 01.09.2024 – 31.08.2028

Leading partner: Tartu Health Care College

Aim of the project:

The aim of the project is to develop the curriculum of a physiotherapist at Tartu Health Care College. With the help of applied research prepared during the project, it is possible to introduce changes in the curriculum because the factors affecting the job satisfaction of physiotherapists, mental health indicators, and aspects related to compassion fatigue have been revealed. Thanks to this analysis, it is possible for the higher education institution to prepare its students better to cope in the workplace and to ensure the availability of the necessary specialists in the healthcare sector.

Project outcomes:

As a result of the project, applied studies are completed, which will provide the following evidence-based information:

1) Estonian physiotherapists´ job satisfaction and the factors affecting it;

2) Estonian physiotherapists´ mental health indicators;

3) Estonian physiotherapists´ compassion fatigue.

Responsible researcher: Maive Mõttus,